Our Company has established the Audit Committee in compliance with Rule 5.28 of theGEM Listing Rules. Written terms of reference in compliance with paragraph C3 of the CorporateGovernance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 15 to the GEMListing Rules has been adopted. Among other things, the primary duties of the Audit Committeeare to make recommendations to our Board on appointment or reappointment and removal ofexternal auditor; review financial statements of our Company and judgments in respect offinancial reporting; and oversee internal control procedures of our Company.
The Audit Committee consists of three independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. LO Sun Tong, Mr. CHAU Chun Wai and Mr. LAM Lai Kiu Kelvin. Mr. LO Sun Tong is the chairman of the Audit Committee.